
Turmeric is a golden spices, Since thousands of years used as ayurvedic medicine due to its Medicinal & Nutritional value.
Widely used in our daily food as spice.
Bharat (India) is origion of turmeric. there are so many types of turmeric according to its quality & area Lakadong, waigon, Salem, Rajapuri etc…
Qualities & Turmeric depends on ‘Curcumin’ presentage present in it. (Curcumin is active ingredients in turmeric)

 Health Benefits
Anti cancerous, prevents and cure.
Improve Immunity.
Protects & cure Heart

disease. Act as Antibiotic.
Powerful Brain tonic (BDNF)

Relieves Pain
Protects Diabetes

Improve fairness of skin
Helps to remove
blockage. Helps in
mental disorder.
Ojas natural & organic Turmeric Uniqueness

High grade curcumin
Naturally growth
No additives colour, flavours or

preservatives GMO, Gluten free
Available in Suitable packaging.
We have group of naturally growing farmers.

Variety of Turmeric
Ojas Lakadong turmeric
Ojas waigaon turmeric
Ojas salem Turmeric
Ojas Rajapuri Turmeric

Lakadong Turmeric
Premium quality variety known for incredible medicinal qualities.
Curcumin presents in lakadong turmeric is 7 to 9% which is one of the highest than other variety.
Special variety from town “lakadong’ in Jaintia hills, Meghalaya, Bharat. (India) Traditionally grown from thousands of years from native
Waigaon Turmeric
Well known for its croma, taste & medicinal value (rich curcumin level) Also has rich percentage of volatile oil.
Grown traditional natural method by farmers of “waigqon’ in Maharashtra.
Bharat (India)

Salem Turmeric
Salem turmeric is known for its purity, fragrance & medicinal properties.